Markdown Help !!!

  • Each help page has an url , that url is unique for each page.
  • Is live mean it will migrate to the hotfix and production.
  • From edit you can clone it to create a new help page.

# number of # indicate h1 or h2 =>

# Main Header…

## Main topic …

### Minor topic …

Italic text (ex) *ipsum* => (  ipsum )

Bold text (ex) **adipiscing** ( adipiscing )

For adding a video with certain id like `123`

(ex) [Video](http://video/123) =>  video

For adding a producktly tour for id like `123`

(ex) [Tour](http://tour/123) =>   tour

To go to custom help

(ex) [Custom](http://custom/123) => custom

To redirect to certain link

(ex) [Link]( => link

Adding list it start by (- ) No spacing between lists.

When we list and start by Video ,Tour ,Custom or Link It will start by icon.

(ex) For list that start by reserved word ( Video – Tour – Custom – Link )

– Video (http://video/123) do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

Video video do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.

– Migration

DEV                         PROD

    not live                not live
    cont: xxx               cont: xxxx

    not live                not live
    cont: yyyy              cont: yyyy

    live                    live
    cont: yyyy              cont: yyyy

    not live                live > will not update
    cont: zzzz              cont: yyy

It will update if production is not live or when dev is live………

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