economic outlook 1 scaled e1654703047386 transloading economic outlook May 22

transloading economic outlook May 22

markets are down, but signs of strength persist

Mike Kershaw, head of transloads growth and operations consulting, just posted a new YouTube video on the latest economic indicators and what they indicate for the near future of transloading industry.

Mike finds the broader markets down, the Fed trying to control inflation by suppressing demand, trucking industry which has already been hit hard and a slowing housing market.

But it’s not all gloom and doom.

American factories are still in expansion mode, as clients continue to backfill giant gaps in their inventories left by COVID-related supply chain troubles. A manufacturing sector in strong health means a recession is not imminent. The Institute for Supply Management® Purchasing Managers’ Index PMI® for May was stronger than expected, but manufacturing employment actually contracted in May.

Please watch Mike’s YouTube premiere for full analysis and to learn strategies for handling current markets and how to position your business for strength going forward.

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